Wednesday, October 28, 2015

November 2015 Update

So I thought I would let all of you guys know what I have been up to because I sometimes find my life funny, pathetic, and exciting all at once. I'll explain it through some GIFs.

Along with writing this blog, I am working full time at McDonald's and doing an 18 credit semester at my school, Marywood University. McDonald's is not as bad as everyone says. As an introvert, I am placed in the perfect spot for most of my shifts. I am the order taker at first window by myself, which means that most of the time I am left alone and can enjoy my shift in some solitude for the most part.
news animated GIF
Normally after break, I am learning what McDonald's calls "table" or, in normal terms, I just simply make the food. I am really enjoying it because I am getting closer to management. The only downside is that I have to work with a couple of high school football jocks that think they're so hot and hit on me. They don't get a clue that it isn't cool and not attractive. If I could, I would throw them my middle fingers. Once I get to management, it'll be easier to put them in their place.

middle finger animated GIF
The last thing about McDonald's is that I am applying for one of their scholarships, which was difficult money!!!!!
Brown Countin animated GIF

My courses for this semester are insane and my following two semesters will be pretty much the same. I am taking 1 religion course and 5 English courses, which 2 of the English courses are writing intensive. I'm trying to fulfill both my English Literature major and Writing minor in the 2 and a 1/2 years that that I am getting my bachelor's at MU. I am taking two classes about nature in America (1 reading and the other writing) with the same professor, which is interesting and eye opening. I have an American Literature class, which is a cake walk because it is a repeat of my junior year of high school. My Shakespeare class is time consuming with the papers my super liberal professor assigns us. She cracks me up because she is in her 50s and she climbs up the desk over the silliest things. My second writing class is my favorite but hardest class because I get to make YouTube videos but I am not a fan of being in front of a camera. This means that all I do with my time at home not working is writing papers, and I do all of my reading during classes.
Life Jane Austen animated GIF
Writing Paper animated GIF
I also finally just figured out my schedule for spring semester and next fall semester (my last 2 semesters), which took 3 weeks to figure out. There was a problem with getting my minor in on time before graduation because my school did not think about adding a second writing course to the list since the only one offered is a travel abroad course which I was denied. Assholes. My new advisor is amazing, unlike my last advisor who decided to leave for who knows how long, and has helped me immensely with this shitty situation. All I have to do is taking a creative writing class over the summer and I should be golden.
Yas Excited animated GIF

At least, I have some TV shows to keep me sane along with reading books for pleasure. Well, it really is not necessarily TV. It's Netflix, Hulu, and watching full TV series online. I have a confession to make...I love superhero/vigilante shows. Currently I am watching Arrow, The Flash, and Once Upon a Time on Hulu when I am not home. I watch these newer shows pretty religiously simply because it is a good stress reliever and to get some of the feels. I found out that the only time when I really watch them is in my religion class called Christian Spirituality. I know it may sound bad that I am doing this, but I am a Christian and almost everything my professor has said I have been taught as I grew up in my household. I still participate frequently and the professor has no clue about my earbuds hidden in my hair. I don't feel bad about it whether that makes me a bad person I do not care.
Astin Blsp animated GIF
The show I watch when I am home has sucked up my entire life in a funny, pathetic way. So I told a new friend of mine about my interest in superhero/vigilante shows and he recommended me to watch Smallville. I thought that I would try it out. I've been watching the show mostly online or borrowed the seasons from the library. After a a couple episodes, I got hooked! I started about a month ago with season 1 and currently I am on season 6. It is such a great show! I see myself feeling all the feels from the back and forth relationship with Clark and Lana, the development between the relationship between Clark and Lois, and the character development over the entire series. I see myself rooting for certain characters and hoping certain things won't happen (but it usually happens anyway). It must be Tom Welling...he makes me swoon.
Feels Feelings animated GIFEmotions Emotional animated GIF
Lana Del Rey Ldr animated GIF
Well, thanks for reading my first update on my life. I can do these as often as you like whether they are weekly, monthly, and quarterly.

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