About the Blog

About This Blog
The premise of the blog is to give my honest opinion about books that I read for pleasure so that you may want to check them out yourselves. I can explain each category of blog posts.

My reviews will be based on:
1. Young Adult Contemporary
2. Young Adult Dystopian
3. Young Adult Fantasy
4. Adult Romance (Specifically the New Adult Genre)
5. Adult Fiction
6. Historical Fiction (But not the boring kind)
7. Any authors that seem to be getting attention from media, movies, etc.

Review Wednesday (RW)
It's exactly as the tag says. I give reviews every Wednesday (or a few minutes after midnight on Thursday) about the books I read. I give my own opinions about my thoughts while reading the books along popular outside sources many readers use and the author's own webpage. If you like the book, I also give you other recommendations on the bottom of each review that have similar aspects in one way or another. All of these reviews will be under the page "Reviews." *These  will be weekly*

Anticipation Friday (AF)
Who doesn't anticipate Friday?! Well, I want to give you another reason Fridays might be anticipated. I will write about upcoming books that will be released in the near future. I plan to give you an overview of Goodreads and why I am anticipating each book.  *These will be sporadic depending when new books are coming out*

New Release Review (NRR)
This is a combination of Review Wednesday and Anticipation Friday. I will give a review of a brand new book that I have been anticipating and literally just got released. These reviews will be also under "Reviews" with the ones from Review Wednesday. *These will be sporadic depending when books come out.*
**Disclaimer: May not be immediately reviewed within 24 hours of release. The review may be published 2 or 3 days or up to a week after the book's release depending on how busy my schedule is while reading the book.**

Author Spotlight (AS)
I will write about some of my favorite authors or debut authors. I will discuss why I love them and my favorite book or series. (That depends if they have more than 1 book.) I may comment on their styles and give you an overview of their lives. I have a separate page for the "Author Spotlights." *These will be somewhat sporadic but also more on a schedule.*

Life Updates (LU)
This is just for fun on my part. I'll tell you what is going on in my life. The good and the bad while making fun of it all. I will use gifs as a way to express how I feel about the circumstances I go through. *These will be more sporadic*

I hope you enjoy my reviews and other little posts. I hope to peak your interest.

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